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Social Security Appointments

Wafla has been working with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to help farmworkers receive Social Security Numbers more efficiently.

The following training and events will help employers, workers, and the SSA process and receive Social Security cards for new H-2A workers.

These opportunities are open to all farms and farmworkers. You do not need to be a wafla member to participate.

To set up appointments for your workers, complete the following steps:

  1. Request appointment slots at the time and location of your choosing. Follow the links below to make your requests.
  2. Watch the instructional video below.
  3. Ensure your workers have the required paperwork and documentation when they attend the appointment.
  4. Show up 15 minutes early for your appointment time(s).

Upcoming Events

Wenatchee: This event is scheduled for August 24. Please use this form to request your employees' time, date, and location. You must also view the training video (see below) and complete the required paperwork. Your employees must also take the necessary paperwork for their appointment.

St. Joseph Catholic Church
625 S Elliot Ave
Wenatchee, WA  98801

If you signed up for the June 15 Wenatchee event that was canceled and you need to get some workers in before the August 24 event, contact Kirk Larson at the Social Security Administration.

Webinar Training

This webinar explains the process and the necessary paperwork to accompany the workers. Also, please note that workers' Social Security Cards should be sent to their addresses in the United States to avoid unnecessary delays. For the requested address, provide the correct mailing address. If that mailing address is to a business, include "c/o the business name" in the address to ensure that the U.S. Postal Service does not reroute or return the letter.


Contact Lisanne Bannister at or (360) 455-8064 x114.